Code of Conduct

St. Josephs College (autonomous), Irinjalakuda works on a dedicated mission of educating and equipping young women with quality education to make them competent enough to stand on their own feet armouring them with the values and skills developed under the influence of the visionary zeal of our founders. Therefore, developing a basic framework that dictates the feasible modes of respectful functioning by eliminating grounds of injustice within this institution became the prime role of formulating the Codes of Conduct for our college. We believe that this brings in a conducive environment for effective accomplishments of common tasks and objectives. Our Codes of Conduct is a call for a life of integrity and mutual respect- a value spoken in a language understood and appreciated by all irrespective of age, gender or religion.

Dedicated efforts were directed in formulating the Codes of Conduct. A full view of every single stakeholder and the aspects concerning them were studied in detail before generating the statements of expected behaviour. From academics to personal development, our codes of conduct highlight the following shades of virtues:

  • Excellence: Through these Condes of Conduct, we strive to paint the colours of excellence through every act of our stakeholders by aligning it with the mission and vision of the institution because we understand that these acts represent the college in the eyes of the society.
  • Uniqueness: Our codes of conduct are formulated in consideration with the needs and requirements of our stakeholders and hence they are uniquely designed for sustaining an environment most suitable for their development.
  • Simplicity: The generated codes are explained in simple and comprehensible terms making the following of these regulations an easy task to accomplish.

The college understands that formulating the Codes of Conduct is easily possible but implementing them is rather a challenge that requires constant monitoring and planning. Thus, it leaves no stone unturned to implement and monitor the accomplishment of the Codes of Conduct in the campus through regular sensitization programs, reminders, committees and authorities that ensure that the college walks on a road of ethics and integrity.