Costume and Fashion Designing

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Audience: Whole College

Feb 10 , 2023

On February 10th, the Department of Costume and Fashion Designing organized a denim fashion show to celebrate Union Day at the college.

On February 10th, the Department of Costume and Fashion Designing organized a denim fashion show to celebrate Union Day at the college. The show aimed to showcase the versatility and timelessness of denim as a fabric in fashion. The event featured a range of clothing and accessories, all made using denim, designed and created by the department's students. the denim fashion show was a huge success, with a packed audience and positive feedback from attendees. The versatility of denim as a fabric was showcased brilliantly, with each collection featuring different ways to style and wear denim. The event was a fitting celebration of Union Day at the college, showcasing the creativity and talent of the students in the Department of Costume and Fashion Designing.

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