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Smile!! (Abhayabhavan Visit) ( Special )

Aug 25 , 2017

Helping hand for the inmates of Abhayabavan

The department of Journalism and Mass Communication had conducted an Abhayabavan visit (a Charity centre, Porathissery, Thrissur). It was conducted in the year 2017 with 24 students. The students offered a helping hand for the inmates of Abhayabavan. There were around 50 patients paralyzed for a long time. So the students from Journalism and Mass Communication offered them Onam feast and give them the mental support that they were in need. Each and every patient had their different life stories to share. That was really heart touching for the students and students got emotional. After coming back to college from there students creatively wrote poems, stories and reports about them. It was a good experience for them.

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