Events 2022-2023

75th Independence Day Celebration ( Others )

Audience: College Students , Faculty , Staff

Aug 15 , 2022

Celebrated 75th Independence Day of our country on 15th august 2022 in the college promises. A freedom wall was introduced as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The freedom wall represented our way to Independence and showed us how our forefathers gained freedom from foreigners. A mobile quiz competition was conducted as a part of Independence day which helped the students and teachers to get to know about our country and freedom fighters and history. Speeches delivered by NSS volunteers reflected our dedication towards our country and instilled the flame of patriotism in our veins. A flash mob performed by the volunteers energized the audience and created a patriotic wave in everyone’s heart. A patriotic song was also performed by volunteers which included a variety of songs and healed the mind with blissful voices. Trees were also planted in the college outdoors.

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