Events 2022-2023

Faculty Exchange Programme 2022-23 ( Academic )

Mar 25 , 2023

Faculty Exchange Programme on Intellectual Property Rights

The second activity on "Intellectual Property Rights" has been organised on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 11:00 am on the Zoom platform under the MOU of the "Faculty-Student Exchange Programme 2022-2023" between Smt.P.N.Doshi Women's College, Ghatkopar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, and St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Kerala. The session was attended by more than 70 participants online.

Dr. Mouri Ghosh, an IP facilitator and registered patent agent, led a session on intellectual property rights with the goal of enlightening teachers and students about the importance of intellectual property rights.

Dr. Purvy Karia presided over the session. Mr. Raju Chauhan, Vice Principal, Faculty of Commerce, and IQAC Coordinator, Smt. P.N. Doshi Women's College, greeted the resource person and participants. The importance of IPR, its current relevance, and its requirement for the promotion of research and development in India were underlined in Mr. Raju Chauhan's welcome speech. The resource person, Dr. Mouri Ghosh, was introduced by Dr.Suchita Bhovar. By engaging with the audience, Dr. Mouri introduced intellectual property laws at the beginning of her talk.

The concept of intellectual property rights and their significance in the modern corporate world were then explained by the speaker. She outlined how intellectual property rights shield a company's intangible assets, including its trade secrets, patents, designs, and GI.

The session emphasised how crucial it is to comprehend intellectual property rights and how crucial it is to safeguard them from the start of the business process. Participants left the seminar with a clear grasp of intellectual property rights and their importance.

At 12:45 PM, the seminar came to a close. Dr. Arti Varma then led a question-and-answer session. The questions about copyrights and how they safeguard original works of art including music, literature, and folk art were addressed by the speaker. The participant's questions wowed the resource person. At 1:00 pm, Ms.Swati Suchak offered a vote of thanks to adjourn the session.

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