Events 2022-2023

Student of the year 2022-23 ( Extra Curricular )

Audience: Public

Feb 28 , 2023

CPL Aayisha Nazrin C was awarded the title "Star on Stage" and emerged as the 2nd runner up.



The Student of the Year competition of the academic year 2022−23 was held on
28th February, 2023, in the college auditorium. SUO Dona Mariya and CPL
Aayisha Nazrin C were among the 5 participants selected to the final round.
Aayisha Nazrin C, Department of English, was awarded the title “Star on the
Stage” and emerged as the 2nd runner up.
The final participants were chosen after a series of rounds including assessment of
their academic and extra curricular achievements and a general knowledge test.
The last phase of the competition was an on−stage event, in which the finalists
underwent two rounds — a self− introduction round and a question & answer

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