Events 2022-2023

Yoga Mahotsav ( Extra Curricular )

Jun 14 , 2022

Research Department of Commerce organised one hour talk and pratical session on Yoga in connection with international yoga day.


On 14 th June 2022, as a part of Azadi ka Amritha Maholsav, Yoga Maholsav, an event to commemorate 100 days to international yoga day 2022 is conducted by Nehru Yuva Kendra in collaboration with Research Department of Commerce and NSS unit 50 & 167 of St. Joseph’s College, Irinjalakuda.

Yoga has several benefits to both physical and mental health. It is an invaluable ancient Indian practice. It is correctly said that yoga not only provides physical and mental relaxation but also develops strength and resilience. It helps us to build up psycho-physiological health, emotional harmony; and manage daily stress and its consequences .The practice of asanas has been claimed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance; to alleviate stress and anxiety, and to reduce the symptoms of lower back pain. Yogi is a person who has mastered yoga or has achieved great success in yoga. Yogasanas are also called Asana or Asanas (plural). A Yogi can sit in any asana for a given time.

The programme was started at 10 am. NYK volunteer Ms .Saifnueesa welcomed the gathering .Presidential address was given by Ms. Amritha Thomas, NSS Programme officer and faculty member of Research Department of commerce. The event was inaugurated by Principal Dr.  Sr. Elaiza. Thereafter, a talk was delivered on the topic “Yoga for Daily Life” by Mr.Shaji Varavoor who is a yoga trainer as well as state resource person of Nehru Yuva Kendra. He mentioned about variety of yoga postures such as pranayama, ardhakati chakrasana, Trikonasana, etc. He explained the three human body such as sthula sarira, sukshma sarira, karana sarira. The class was very useful in present scenario. The main aim of this event was to make aware of the students about the importance and benefits of yoga. The session helped to acquire great knowledge about yoga. There was a practical session on yoga postures around half an hour. 85 students and 8 faculty members attended the event.

The day spread awareness about the importance and effects of yoga on the health of people. The session was concluded at 12 pm.

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